If you answered yes to these questions, you can set your eternity in stone by praying a simple prayer of commitment to God like this:
“Dear Jesus, thank you for making me and loving me, even when I’ve ignored you and gone my own way. I realize I need you in my life and I’m sorry for my sins. I ask you to forgive me. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. Please help me to understand it more. As much as I know how, I want to follow you from now on. Please come into my life and make me a new person inside. I accept your gift of salvation. Please help me to grow now as a Christian.”
There is no magic formula, no set words to doing this. It is a matter of the heart and the Lord knows your heart.
– Each verse can be pressed to reveal an explanation.
– Read the verse out loud and allow it to speak to you.
– Read the explanation for each verse.
– Scroll down to reveal the next verse.
– Each verse can be pressed to reveal an explanation.
– Read the verse out loud and allow it to speak to you.
– Read the explanation for each verse.
– Scroll down to reveal the next verse.
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
Does the Bible really say this? Yes it does. This is Jesus speaking. Who is he talking about? Is he talking about you? The whole verse is:
Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23. Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
These are people who call Jesus “Lord.“ They even claim to do “churchy“ things. But Jesus says he does not even know them. He is talking about people who might go to church every Sunday, but don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. He’s talking about people who some call “casual Christians.“ He might be talking about you.
What does Jesus mean when he says “…in that day?“ He is talking about judgment day. Everyone will stand before Jesus for judgment. He will see you one of two ways: a sinful human, or a sinless saint. There is no third option.
Do not stand for judgment, and have Jesus say “depart from me, I never knew you“ no matter what goes on in this world, there is no statement that you could ever hear that would be worse.
Deuteronomy 30:19. This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
Notice what this does NOT say. Anybody who has not done enough good deeds, will be thrown into the lake or fire, or sent to hell. It also doesn’t say that you will go to heaven if you do enough good deeds. It doesn’t say anything about doing bad stuff, or doing good stuff. It says your name must be written in the book of life. How do you get your name written in the book of life? You must believe and be saved. This website will biblically walk you through this process. Don’t leave here without knowing your eternal destination.
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
Not ready to believe in Jesus, yet? At some point, it will be too late. Jesus could return any second; then it is too late. You can die this very day; then it is too late. If you are reading this, God is giving you a chance right now to believe. You are not here by an accident. Jesus wants a relationship with you right now. Scroll down to finally have that life long urging that “there must be something more…“ answered.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Take some time when you can be alone and follow the instructions listed:
– Read the verses of scripture out loud to yourself because of what Romans 10:17 says. Read them again if they do not make sense. Continue reading them until you can answer the question or until something rings true inside of you. Then move on to the next verse.
– Read the explanation for each verse.
– Scroll down to reveal the next verse.
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
This verse has two parts: For all have sinned… Most people when asked, will admit that they have committed sins in their life. They have lied, stolen, gossiped, lusted, etc. Almost everybody, whether you are a believer or not, will say that they have committed sins. However, it’s the second part of this verse that needs recognition.… And fall short of the glory of God… People admit that they have committed sins, but they don’t compare themselves to a perfect God. They compare themselves to a worse sinner. They will say, “well, I’ve never committed murder, or I’ve never robbed a bank…“ But the verse doesn’t compare your sins to your neighbors sins. The verse compares your sin to a perfect, holy, sinless God. In other words, after you have committed, even one sin, you are no longer pure. The other keyword is the word “all.” For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Every person who has ever lived has sinned, and has failed to meet God’s standard of perfection.
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
A wage is something that you earn. If I have a job and get paid by the hour, the money I earn is called my wage. Death in this verse is not just physical death, but it is spiritual death, separation from God, and eternity in hell. You might say, “I don’t believe in a God that sends people to hell…” God is not sending you to hell. You have earned your wage. Every person who has ever sinned, which is everyone who’s ever lived, deserves eternity in hell, because that is what they have earned.
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
How do I get to heaven? Is it by doing more good things than the bad things that I’ve done? According to this verse, no one can see the kingdom of God (or heaven), unless they are born again. So what does that mean? Essentially , it means to admit to God that I have failed at running my own life. I have chosen to ignore God‘s calling. Living life, without a personal relationship with Jesus is futile, but I have chosen this path nonetheless. I cannot become born again on my own. This is something that supernaturally happens when I admit to God that I choose to submit to his authority. He will then “bury my old, sinful self“, and make me new again. So how do I do this?
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
There are many ways that you can get to heaven, right? Wrong. Jesus is the way – he is the only way to get to heaven. Jesus is the truth – any other claim you hear, that excludes Jesus, is false. Jesus is the life -, Jesus isn’t just a path to everlasting life, he is eternal life. This verse is very clear. Nobody can get to heaven without going through Jesus. You can never earn your way to heaven. This verse leaves no doubt. There is only one way to get to heaven – Jesus.
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
There is not much to add to these verses. I must believe in my heart that God is who he says he is. I must repent (which means to turn away from my current path, and turn back to God) and I must confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. If I do this, the Bible says I will be saved.
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
What a beautiful concept! Jesus is standing at the door to your heart and knocking. He is offering you a personal relationship with the very God that created you in this universe. All you have to do is open the door and accept the invitation. He has been pursuing you for your whole life, he is pursuing you right now as you read this, and if you don’t accept the invitation now, he will continue to pursue you in the future.
Deuteronomy 30:19. This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live
Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…
Read this verse out loud… What does it mean to you?
Click for an explanation, but first ask God to speak to you personally.
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